When we let vouchers drain our schools, it hurts us all.
February 4, 2025
Good Tuesday morning,
Gov. Mike DeWine unveiled his two-year state budget yesterday that included some tax increases and a desire to fully fund public schools.
This, of course, put him immediately at odds with the Voucher-in-Chief, House Speaker Matt Huffman, who has said funding public schools is “unsustainable,” and a “fantasy.”
So who will define Ohio’s reality in the next six months because the budget is due to be signed into law no later than June 30?
There’s a whole lot of ping pong being played in Columbus and public schools are caught in the middle.
Meanwhile, the uncapped private school $1 billion boondoggle goes unchecked.
No oversight.
No financial accountability.
No fiscal responsibility.
Something will have to give by June 30 and if the past predicts the future it will be public schools.
This is why we cannot rely on the legislature or the governor to seriously address the unconstitutional private school voucher scheme.
This is why we must go to court.
We will this year as vouchers go on trial in Franklin County, just down the street from where the governor and lawmakers work.
This is not a false alarm.
Vouchers challenge the very existence of public schools.
We have five counts already given merit by Franklin County Judge Jaiza Page and we need only one to find the system unconstitutional.
Our first count is very strong.
The Ohio Constitution is clear.
Lawmakers and the governor shall create a single system of common schools for the common good.
Vouchers are a separate and unequal system of schools, benefiting the wealthy and enriching private school operators.
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Vouchers Hurt Ohio