When we let vouchers drain our schools, it hurts us all.
August 27, 2024
Good Tuesday morning,
The Cleveland Plain Dealer recently asked and tried to answer the question: How well do private schools perform compared to public schools?
Their conclusion: “Parents debating whether to send their child to the local public school or private school may be baffled by the state’s system to compare academic performance.”
Read the story here.
A little ironic isn’t it? A program purportedly designed for parents and students and yet it is impossible for parents and students to use state data to determine whether their public school is better, worse or the same as a private school they are considering.
Ohio will spend nearly $1 billion on vouchers this year and there is no academic accountability for the money – on purpose.
There is zero financial accountability for the private school operators raking in millions and millions of our tax dollars.
The reporter for the Plain Dealer did her best, but she was frustrated by the apples and oranges system of public and private school testing.
This is purposeful.
The private school voucher scheme is not designed to help students go to better performing schools. It’s a ripoff of tax dollars to give wealthy families a refund or a rebate on their tuition, and it is a $1 billion boondoggle for private school operators.
It is also a way for religious schools to dip their hands into the state’s treasury. Remember, the vast majority of schools receiving voucher money are religious.
This is one reason there is not a hue and cry from private school parents for strong academic and financial accountability. They want public tax dollars to help pay to send their children to religious schools.
Funny thing is that is a violation of our Ohio Constitution and that’s why we are suing the state.
We will see the pro-voucher crowd in court on Nov. 4.
Is your district part of our lawsuit? Check here.
If not, why not? Learn how to get involved here.