When we let vouchers drain our schools, it hurts us all.
January 14, 2025
Good Tuesday morning,
Over the holidays and into January, we are seeing more and more public school districts sign on to our lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the $1 billion boondoggle EdChoice private school voucher scheme.
In the Mahoning Valley, near Youngstown and Warren, boards of education for the Poland Local Schools and Canfield Local Schools in Mahoning County recently voted to join the lawsuit.
In nearby Trumbull County, the Howland Local Schools board of education voted to join, and board members in Liberty Local Schools in the same area are considering joining.
In Franklin County, in Central Ohio, Groveport Madison Schools voted to sign on to the lawsuit joining other districts in the county that include Upper Arlington, Bexley, Worthington, Gahanna, Westerville, and the state’s largest district, Columbus City Schools.
Meanwhile in southwest Ohio, the Wyoming City School district in Hamilton County also joined.
We are suing the voucher program and have outlined five counts or reasons we believe the harmful program is unconstitutional.
The Ohio Constitution clearly states there shall be one system of common schools for the common good, and vouchers creates a separate and unequal system of schools.
The state is underfunding public schools and the education of public school children while siphoning away hundreds of millions of dollars to private school operators for vouchers that are being used as a refund and rebate for a lot of wealthy parents with children already enrolled in private schools.
Private school operators decide who gets in and who is denied admission to their schools using litmus tests like family income, race, religion, academic/athletic ability, disabilities. Public school doors are open to all children.
And the Ohio Constitution is clear that religious schools shall not receive public tax dollars for education, but more than 90 percent of the voucher schools are religious.
We believe we have a strong case and vouchers are scheduled to go on trial this year in Franklin County before Judge Jaiza Page.
More and more public schools agree with us that something must be done to stop the legislature from expanding the voucher program even more.
Is your district part of this historic lawsuit? Check here.
If not, why not? Join here.
Vouchers Hurt Ohio
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