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Must see photo from VHO at Ohio State Fair

August 6, 2024

We just wrapped up 10 days at the Ohio State Fair where volunteers and VHO steering committee members talked to hundreds of fairgoers about the harmful impact of private school vouchers on our public schools.

Take a look at this photo!!!!!

Photo of hero board at the fair showing hundred of post it notes with teachers' names.

Remember that movie Jaws where Brody, played by Roy Scheider, catches a first glimpse of the shark and says, “you’re going to need a bigger boat.”

Well, a few days into the fair we took a look at our Public Teachers Heroes board, where visitors to the booth could put the name of their favorite public school teacher on a note, and realized we’re going to need another board.

Public school supporters filled two boards with notes and one child posted and then returned a few days after to check on his teacher’s name.

Ohioans love their local public schools. For good reason. They are the bedrock and the foundation of our communities.

Private school vouchers are a sledgehammer breaking apart that very foundation by ripping off taxpayers to give wealthy families a refund or a rebate for tuition and funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to private school operators who choose who gets in and who is shut out.

One system of schools for the haves, and another for the rest of us.

Well, we’re not taking it sitting down. Vouchers go on trial on Nov. 4 this year in Judge Jaiza Page’s courtroom in Franklin County.

The law and the Ohio Constitution matter in a court of law.

Is your district part of our lawsuit? Check here.

If not, why not? Learn how to get involved here.