When we let vouchers drain our schools, it hurts us all.
March 26, 2024
On Wednesday, April 3 beginning at 6 p.m. Vouchers Hurt Upper Arlington, a local chapter of Vouchers Hurt Ohio, will host a panel of experts to discuss the growing existential threat to all public schools in Ohio, known as the private school voucher program EdChoice.
In person seating for the event is currently at capacity, so we are offering an opportunity for interested citizens to join the program via Zoom. Click the button below to register for the meeting.
6 p.m. : Welcome and Introduction: Betsy O’Brochta (10 minutes)
6:10: The Big Picture: Background and History of Vouchers: William Phillis, Executive Director, Ohio Coalition for Equity & Adequacy of School Funding ; Former Assistant State Superintendent of Ohio Department of Education (10 minutes)
6:20: The State of Play Today in Ohio: David Pepper–Accomplished writer, lawyer, former Ohio Democratic Party chair and co-founder of Blue Ohio (10 minutes)
6:30: Ed Choice/Vouchers Hurt Ohio Lawsuit Overview: Dennis Willard–Award winning former statehouse reporter and founder of Precision New Media (10 minutes)
6:40: Financial Ramifications: Dr. Charlie Wilson–Emeritus professor at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, former School Board member and President of the Worthington City Schools, Past President of Ohio School Boards Association (10 minutes)
6:50: The State of Play Today in Upper Arlington & A Call to Action: Susan Miller (10 minutes)
7 p.m. : Q&A: Maureen Reedy & Jeanne Melvin (30 minutes)